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PAS 2060: 2014 Specification for the demonstration of carbon neutrality

This PAS 2060 standard sets out requirements to be met by organisations wishing to demonstrate carbon neutrality though quantification, reduction and offsetting of greenhouse gas emissions. PAS 2060 is open to all organisations to demonstrate their carbon neutrality.

The UK government has set out its strategy to meet Net Zero by 2050. For the UK to meet its environmental targets UK organisations will need to begin to consider their own carbon emissions and reduction strategies and demonstrate carbon neutrality through implementation of PAS 2060.

The benefits of use of PAS 2060 include: increased action on climate change, verifiable and accurate declarations of an organisations carbon footprint, increased opportunity for organisations to make improvements in their carbon management relating to their services, activities and products, and improved credibility of organisations making claims of carbon neutrality.

 The PAS 2060 standard requires a four stage process to be followed to demonstrate carbon neutrality with independent verification.

  • Assessment of accurate data of Greenhouse Gas emissions.

  • Reduction though implementation of carbon footprint management plan.

  • Offsetting residual greenhouse gas emissions, for example through purchase of carbon credits.

  • Document and Verification of carbon neutrality declarations.

Independent verification through a 3rd party certification body will give customers and other interest parties the confidence that declarations and the PAS 2060 standard requirements are being met.

 The Green Business Centre can help organisations implement and/or verify programmes to achieve carbon neutrality in order to meet the requirements of PAS 2060 : 2014.